OnLine Gallery: a new format of some "quarantine" communication brings information, pro-links and through-clicks to our videos, photo galleries about our collection, artists, exhibitions, selected works, and you can even create at home - we bring various online workshops "live" with steps and instructions not just for kids. We offer some workshops, programmes without time limit, with a specific start date: in this way you can return online to your favourite programme whose end date – June 30th, 2020 – is for us an optimistic prospect for a possible return to normal life!
We start: FRIDAY, March 27th, 2020
Continuation of popular workshops WOMEN ON LINE 8: Gallery pedagogue Mgr. Anna Timková has prepared an alternate atypical virtual little workshop – you can emboss a unique work even on your ordinary lids. VIDEO in the Gallery direction is a short guide on how to do it!
30.06.2020 o 16.00 hod.
Miesto konania
Galéria umelcov Spiša
Zimná 46, Spišská Nová Ves
27.03.2020 - 30.06.2020