Mobile photo-workshops Along the Gothic Road with the subtitle Borders and Options of Image-Making with Digital Camera  are focused on discovering of the "unseen" Spiš. The continuation of successful creative programs of the House of Photography is implemented by the Gallery of Spiš Artists in Spišská Nová Ves. The individual workshops are named according to the artists of the gallery permanent exposition Terra Gothica with the aim to create non-traditional forms of documentary photography, experimental and landscape and architecture photography in digital medium. Photographic reflections of selected landscape and urban zones of the Spiš County so indirectly correspond to the thematic cultural-cognitive Gothic road.

Mobile photo-workshops offer some thematic workshops of documentary and experimental photography as well as the photography of landscape and architecture under the guidance of experienced lecturers – teachers at photography programs of universities in Slovakia and Poland. During the workshops there is public program – artists´s lectures, presentations of the invited universities and demonstration of classic technique "on paper" – gum-printing.

The project is implemented with the financial support of the Slovak Arts Council.




1.] Workshop of Jozef Fabini / DOCUMENTARY PHOTOGRAPHY/ Fragments of Humanity

Lecturer: Peter Lančarič (UCM Trnava) ->CLICK HERE for more informations

Documenting the life of people at the edge of the society such as disadvantaged, retired, mentally and otherwise handicapped, using the sociological aspect of photography. Photos are linked to a particular environs and situation. The workshop is aiming to create and cultivate individual visual language and to attain an emotional-rational complexity of the author´s expression, with the possible conceptual overlaps.


Who is Jozef Fabini? -> CLICK HERE


2.] Workshop of Jozef Majkut / LANDSCAPE AND ARCHITECTURE/ Borders of Interpretation

Lecturer: Peter Ančič (VŠVU Bratislava) ->CLICK HERE for more informations

The purpose of this workshop is the visual resolution of the nature and the landscape, the metamorphoses in time and the context of fine arts such as subjective interpretation of the landscape. The work should reflect a contempo-rary sight beyond the classical media borders through photography, short videos and other media experiments, in order to capture the genius loci, determined by contemporary views of the society at the phenomenon of landscape – the environment.


Who is Jozef Majkut? -> CLICK HERE


3.] Workshop of  Ľudovít Csordák/ EXPERIMENT / Dialogue of Medias

Lecturer: Szymon Nowak (ASP – Krakow, PL) ->CLICK HERE for more informations

Creation of fine art work unlimited with pure photographic medium, but conversely, capable to open up to another fine-art, visual, and also to other directions, such as video, interactive art, installation, "pure thought" – a concept, music or poetry. Targeted involvement of time, space and interactivity to the resulting work with the possibility of linking to other media such as sound, whether written or spoken word.


Who is Ľudovít Csordák? -> CLICK HERE


4.] Demonstration of Technique / September the 26th – 27th, 2018

GUM PRINTING / Alternatives of Printing Process

Lecturer: Jerzy Gawel (KSA – Krakow, PL) ->CLICK HERE for more informations

The director of the Krakow School of Arts in Poland, in addition to fashion photography has been dedicated for a long time to the old photographic techniques, to gum printing as a priority. The technique is capable of rendering painterly images from photographic negatives and any color can be used for gum printing, so natural-color photographs are also possible by using this technique in layers, recalling the painting. Demonstration of this technique with specific "alchemy" will give participants a guide on how to convert some digital or chemical print to a traditional persistent technique.





for download ->CLICK HERE 





Applications  STUDENTS (tuition fees € 10 / person) for download ->CLICK HERE

Applications PUBLIC (tuition fees € 50 / person) for download ->CLICK HERE


Information / applications:





Guests, photographers, lecturers:

Peter Ančič (Academy of Fine Arts, Bratislava), Tomáš Cetera (SK), Michaela Eliáš (Košice), Jerzy Gawel (KSA, Krakow – PL), Lena Jakubčáková (SK), Robo Kočan (SK), Peter Lančarič (UCM, Trnava), Szymon Nowak (Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow – PL), Peter Smik (SK).




Author and curator of the project:  Mgr. Lucia Benická  

Program, lecturers, information:  Mgr. Lucia Benická,

Coordination, accommodation, registration:  Mgr. Lenka Králová,

Public and school programs:  Mgr. Anna Timková,

Graphic design:  Mgr. Art. Ivana Babejová



Miesto konania

Galéria umelcov Spiša
Zimná 46, Spišská Nová Ves


24.09.2018 - 28.09.2018

Pozvánka (stiahnuť)

