Entrance to the virtual 3D tour of the exhibition:



The premier profile exhibition project is a retrospective and recycling of the work produced to date by the artist Roland Neupauer. Inspirations ranging from the natural landscape and the civilization of market mechanisms and cryptocurrencies become the driving force for the construction and deconstruction of images in which masses of illusive geometry emerge from expressive bursts of colour. Combinations of adhesive tape and paint form a stratigraphy which reveals the archaeology of collective memory. It is a reflection of a turbulent period in which the coincidental “Butterfly Effect” is a crucial factor in chaos theory. The exhibition is presented as part of the Profiles dramaturgical cycle and is supported by public funding in the form of a stipend from the Slovak Arts Council.


Roland Neupauer paints because he must. It is his way of communicating with the world and with himself. In his paintings he attempts to capture an imaginary reality which he perceives intensely within a wider global context. Media news mediated through the digital screen filter into the solitude of the social isolation in which he unwillingly finds himself due to his serious health issues. The question here is how to navigate ourselves through the overwhelming rush of internet data where truth mixes freely with conspiracy theories and hoaxes. Which of these alternate versions of the present should we believe in? Roland Neupauer sees art as a means of seeking and finding relative truths and their place in the web of existence. He acts with a sense of inevitability driven by his will to live. His works indicate the infinite modality of factors in relation to the individual presence. The structure is defined in a given time in terms of its material and is reliant on the necessity of controlled chance. “Everything is formed or eliminated by mysterious means.”


Mgr. art. Katarína Balúnová, ArtD., curator of exhibition



Roland Neupauer (1980) began his studies in Promotional Graphics at the School of Applied Arts in Košice before continuing at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, first in the studio of Prof. Rudolf Sikora (1998 – 2001) and later in the studio of Prof. Ján Berger (2001 – 2004).  In 2003 he undertook a study trip at the University of Fine Arts in Poznań, Poland. He has participated in exhibitions and symposia in Slovakia and abroad (Czech Republic, Austria and Romania). He lives and works in Krásnohorské Podhradie.




FOR DOWNLOAD -> Info poster 




Curator:  Mgr. art. Katarína Balúnová, ArtD. – GUS

Production:  Mgr. Lenka Králová – GUS  

Graphic design: Mgr. art. Ivana Babejová, ArtD. – GUS




From the opening of the exhibitions, 6. 4. 2022:



06.04.2022 o 17.00 hod.

Miesto konania

Galéria umelcov Spiša
Zimná 46, Spišská Nová Ves


06.04.2022 - 30.11.2022

Pozvánka (stiahnuť)

Plagát (stiahnuť)

